Civilian casualties and damage inflicted upon civilian infrastructure as a result of Armenia’s act of aggression against Azerbaijan


The armed forces of Armenia have been continuing to target the civilian population, private houses and other civilian infrastructure in residential areas along the line of contact in a gross violation of its obligations under international humanitarian law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

Civilian facilities, such as hospitals, medical centers, school buildings and kindergartens as well as graveyards have been subjected to indiscriminate shelling of armed forces of Armenia, including from artillery and other large-caliber weaponry.

As of 02 October, totally 19 civilians[2], including children and elderly have been killed, 55 civilians have been hospitalized with various injuries as a consequence of heavy artillery shelling.175 houses and 41 civilian facilities have been destroyed as a result of armed attack. Vehicles belonging to civilians became unserviceable, and numerous small and large horned animals and haystacks were destroyed as well.

The Armenian armed forces subjected to artillery fire the Terter city,the Shikharh village of the district, the village of Sogan-Verdiler andthe Amirli settlement of the Barda region, Aghdam settlement of the Tovuz region, the villages of Hindiristan, Alibeyli, Ahmadaghali and SafarliGuzanli settlement of the Aghdam region.Armenian armed units targeted the Sabirkend settlement of the Shamkir region from the territory of Armenia and the Guzanly village of the Agdam region from the occupied territories using artillery fire and rockets.

The Armenian armed forces have also fired on the energy infrastructure in Goranboy, Tartar, Agdam, Fuzuli and Agjabadi.

10 kV Telestudio overhead line from 35/10 kV Khangarvand substation in Goranboy, and the 35 kV Gulustan and 10 kV Azizbeyov, 2nd Subartesian overhead lines from 110/30/10 kV Naftalan substation were repeatedly shot in Goranboy. The 0.4 kV distribution network in Tapgaragoyunlu is useless, repair and restoration work has not yet been possible.

10 kV AzGes №3, Sarijali №11 overhead lines from 110/35/10 kV Tartar substation and 10kV Borsunlu №3 from 35 kV Demirchiler substation were shot and restored in Tartar.

35 kV Horadiz-BoyukBahmanli overhead line, as well as 10 kV Shukurbayli, Gazakhlar, Babi and Alkhanli overhead lines from the 35/10 kV Horadiz and Mahmudlu substation was shot in different places and then restored in Fuzuli. In Alkhanli and Shukurbayli villages, the 0.4 kV distribution network is useless, repair and restoration work is under way.

110 kV Tazakand-1, Tzakand-2, Khindiristan-1 and Khindiristan-2 overhead lines were shot in Agdam. These lines have also been restored.In Agjabadi, 10 kV Minakhorlu from 110/35/10 kV Karabakh substation and 10 kV PMK-4 overhead line from 35/10 kV Qiyamadinli substation were shot down and restored.

According to the latest data on gas supply, the gas supply of Tapgaragoyunlu village of Goranboy remains to be limited. At present, natural gas has been supplied at more than 50% of Fuzuli region. The gas supply of 53 residental settlements, except Tartar city and 51 villages, 25 villages of Agjabadi, a village and 5 settlements of Agdam, has been suspended.

Below are the photo evidences of the humanitarian law violations of the armed forces of Armenia.


Since 27.09.2020, the Armed Forces of Armenia has been using weapons illegally stationed in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan against civil infrastructure objects – hospitals, medical centers, school buildings, kindergartens, administrative buildings of public agencies.

According to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Azerbaijan, some of these weapons listed below were destroyed during 27.09.2020-30.09.2020 period:

• up to 200 tanks and other armored vehicles;
• 228 artillery pieces, multiple launch rocket systems and mortars;
• 30 Air Defense means;
• 6 command-control and command-observation posts;
• 5 ammunition depots;
• more than 110 vehicles;
• 1 anti-aircraft missile system.

Destroyed weapons include, but are not limited to S-300 anti-aircraft missile system, OSA-AKM” anti-aircraft missile system, “Uragan” multiple launch rocket system, BM-21 “Grad” multiple launch rocket system, D-20 gun-howitzers. Some of these weapons were destroyed before their operational use.

According to open source information, S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems were sold by Russia in August 2020. 35 pieces of “OSA-AKM” anti-aircraft missile system were sold by Jordan in October 2019 . It should be noted that Jordan also sold to Armenia RPG-32 grenade launchers. “Uragan” multiple launch rocket system was sold by Moldova in 2011. BM-21 “Grad” multiple launch rocket systems were sold by Russia in July 2020. Information about 87 pieces of D-20 gun-howitzers appears for the first time in the Military Balance 2016.

According to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Armenia used different artillery weapons, mortars of various calibers, multiple launch rocket systems,as well as “Tochka-U” high-precision tactical missile system. This system was showcased for the first time in 2016 during military parade in Yerevan. Information about 4 pieces of “Tochka-U” appears in the Military Balance 2019.

As it can be concluded, military goods sold to Armenia are illegally transferred and used in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. Hence, every effort must be made to prevent arms sales to Armenia.

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